
To order a new fortepiano, a non-returnable $100 deposit secures a place on the workshop construction list. Instruments are built in the order that deposits are received. Should a used instrument come up for sale buyers will be notified, also in the order of their deposits.
When a new fortepiano is about to be started, an agreement will be signed specifying instrument details, cost, and payment schedule. We offer purchasers – typically institutional customers – who are constrained in their ability to make partial payments that match constructions progress the option of buying a standby letter of credit through Key Bank of Maine to guarantee financial performance by R. J. Regier.
Please contact us for a current price list.
Contact Us
Visitors are welcome to play the fortepianos and harpsichords that are available for demonstration. Freeport is a coastal town 20 miles north of Portland and 120 miles from Boston. It is served by Amtrak and nearby bus and air facilities. We invite your inquiry about new instruments, the availability of used instruments, prices, recordings, concert rentals, or a trip to the workshop.
R. J. Regier
56 South Street,
Freeport, Maine 04032
Telephone: (207) 865-6687
E-mail: [email protected]